Madame is an engaging, inventive, and emotionally powerful account of the relationship between Caroline, a flamboyant 90-year-old grandmother, and her gay filmmaker grandson Stéphane as they engage in an intimate conversation that takes place across time and space. Based on personal archive footage, the resulting dialogue between a straight single woman in the early 20th century and a closeted gay man at the turn of the 21st century, explores issues of gender, sexuality and the transmission of identity in a patriarchal environment. The result is a moving and highly engaging family saga that challenges the taboos of gender and sexuality. Although clearly a documentary, Madame’s intimacy gives it the emotional power of a strong dramatic feature.
A grandmother and her grandson engage in an intimate conversation, exploring gender, sexuality and transmission of identity.
Availability &
Screening Time:
Wed 26 Aug / 9am
Running Time:
A progressive, feminist, humanist, deeply intimate film. A necessary film.
A little miracle. A movie that keeps opening up to the world, that welcomes everyone in his lap.
A movie that comes out of the beaten path and opens the minds.